Barnsley shop fined for selling out-of-date food

Latest news in Yorkshire: September 06, 2017 01:16:46 PM

A Barnsley retailer has been fined more than £6,000 for selling out-of-date food.

Following a complaint from a member of the public, an officer from Barnsley Council’s trading standards team visited Singh’s Premier Store, Rotherham Road in March 2017.

27 items were found to be past their use by date including children’s yoghurts, meat, and a black pudding which was nearly 7 months out-of-date. In total, the items were over 1,200 days out-of-date and the company could not provide any evidence of documented date checks or staff training.

Use-by dates are found on perishable items, often those with a short shelf life. These items become microbiologically unsafe to eat after that date and have the potential to cause illness if eaten.

On 31 August 2017, during a hearing at Barnsley Magistrates Court, Singh’s Premier Store Ltd pleaded guilty to 10 charges under the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013. The magistrates, giving credit for an early guilty plea, imposed a £5,000 fine for the offences, ordered the company to pay costs of £1,400, and a victim surcharge of £170, totalling £6,470.

Cllr Roy Miller, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place, said “It’s unacceptable for any business to have on their premises food that is past its use-by date; the law makes it clear that this food is unsafe.

“The safety of the public is of paramount importance, and therefore we will continue to take action against businesses that flout the law and put people’s health at risk by selling out-of-date food.”

Anyone wishing to pass on information regarding premises selling out-of-date food should contact the council’s regulatory services on 01226 773555.

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