Selective licensing scheme set to be rolled out in Thurcroft and Parkgate

Latest news in Yorkshire: April 09, 2019 12:08:44 PM


A licensing scheme which has improved the standards of privately rented
accommodation in areas of Rotherham is set to be rolled out further if
it is agreed by the Council’s Cabinet on 15 April.

Over 400 privately rented properties in parts of Thurcroft and Parkgate
are set to become the latest homes to be regulated under ‘selective
licensing’ conditions under the 2004 Housing Act.

If the proposals are agreed, all private landlords in these designated
areas will be legally required to have a licence for any rented house
they operate and to make sure that they meet their obligations to
provide appropriate housing. Amongst these are obligations relating to
the safety and security of the property, taking steps to deal with
anti-social behaviour, and maintaining the appearance of the property.

Landlords would also be supported in ensuring their tenants meet their
responsibilities to their properties and neighbourhood. Selective
Licensing gives the Council greater powers to intervene where problems

Seventy per cent of respondents to the Council’s consultation in
Parkgate and 64 per cent in Thurcroft were in favour of a mandatory
selective licensing scheme in each of the respective areas.

Selective licensing has already been successfully introduced in central
Rotherham, Masborough, Eastwood, Maltby South East and Dinnington.

In these first areas initial inspections found that nine out of 10
properties needed improvement. Since the introduction of selective
licensing 97 per cent of properties now meet the minimum standards for
health and safety standards.

Rotherham Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Dominic Beck,
said: “There is a high reliance on the private sector for housing in
both Thurcroft and Parkgate, communities which face particular issues in
terms of unemployment, poor health, and higher levels of crime than the
average. We know that by improving housing conditions, we can have a
direct impact on the quality of life for both tenants and others in the
community, so I was pleased to see such strong support from local
residents for the proposal.

“The first stage of our selective licensing scheme showed how by working
with landlords we can have a big impact on housing conditions, but also
be in a position to take enforcement action on those landlords who let
their tenants down when we have to.”

The Cabinet meeting will take place on April 15, 2019 at 10am in the
Council Chamber at Rotherham Town Hall.

[tags housing, licensing, rotherham]