Raising ambitions to ‘Achieve It’ at Barnsley’s annual event for young people


Latest news in Yorkshire: November 22, 2018 11:36:46 AM

The annual I Know I Can Ambition Barnsley event will take place on
Wednesday 21 November at Barnsley Metrodome. It’s the perfect place for
young people, aged 13-19, to explore and discover what options are open
to them after leaving school.

Ambition Barnsley, organised by Barnsley Council, is the biggest event
in the local careers calendar, giving young people and their parents and
carers the opportunity to explore the different pathways they can take.
The event is part of the council’s commitment to raising aspirations and
has become essential in helping Barnsley’s young people find out more
about their future options after Year 11.

Local education and training providers will be alongside some of the
region’s major employers to provide advice, guidance and encouragement
to the hundreds of young people, parents and carers who will be

This year all providers have been encouraged to bring interactive
activities to involve young people, including VR headsets, a range of
performances, hair and beauty makeovers and even a live radio studio.

All local secondary schools have been invited to attend. The event runs
throughout the day, opening at 9.15am for schools, with a session for
parents and carers and young people (Year 9,10,11) from 3.45pm to 6.30pm
(last entry 6.15pm).

Providers and employers will include, Barnsley College, Dearne Valley
College, Independent Training College, Barnsley FC, South Yorkshire
Police, Sheffield Hallam University, and XPO Logistics.

Cllr Roy Miller, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place, said: “For young people
in the area there are some fantastic training schemes available, options
to study further or to access apprenticeships with some major employers.

“Ambition Barnsley is a great opportunity to find out more about the
range of options, with lots of advice and information available, and I
would encourage everyone who is considering their future careers to come
down on the day.”

For further information contact: rebeccagamble@barnsley.gov.uk / 01226


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