More success for Rotherham’s Operation Alligator

Latest news in Yorkshire: October 11, 2018 09:04:58 AM


Operation Alligator, the dedicated initiative established in Rotherham
to tackle antisocial behaviour, has seen yet more success in the town
last week.

On Saturday 29 September, officers from Rotherham’s Central
Neighbourhood Policing Team and response officers from Main Street
deployed to areas experiencing heightened crime and antisocial

With a combination of uniformed and plain clothed officers, as well as
CCTV and long-range cameras, the team were able to observe and gather
information from local communities affected by crime and ASB, deal with
what they found, then relocate.

Areas in Eastwood, such as Pocket Park and Eldon Road Park, were
patrolled and searched much to the surprise of one or two. Other areas
that benefited from the increased police presence included the town
centre, Kimberworth and Masborough, with patrols also covering Moorgate
and Broom.

Sergeant Simon Kirkham who led the deployment said: “Operation Alligator
is all about listening to our communities and we really value the
support we receive from the public when we run high-profile operations
like this.

“We have a great team, supported by some fine officers from E Group, and
I want the local communities of Rotherham Central to be reassured that
we are seeing some very positive results from our dedicated work in this

“There will be further Alligator deployments in future.”

As part of the operation, officers stopped and searched 15 people. Five
people were found to be committing criminal offences, with three
cannabis cautions issued and a quantity of cannabis seized. Two people
were arrested on suspicion of possession of drugs with intent to supply
and a significant quantity of compressed white powder, suspected to be
cocaine, was seized.

Property searches were made and money seized, along with a number of
suspected stolen items. Two high-value vehicles were also seized, as
they are suspected of being used in crime.

CI Paul Ferguson added: “The team has done well and secured some
positive results from a night of targeted action. Op Alligator is all
about giving focus to the issues that affect our communities most and
deploying the right people to deal with those issues.

“We work in close partnership with other agencies as part of this
operation and the good work will continue in further operations of this
nature. I’d also like to reiterate our thanks to the public for their
support of this initiative.”


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