Interim FGM Protection Orders granted in Rotherham


Latest news in Yorkshire: November 07, 2018 01:48:04 PM

Following an application by South Yorkshire Police and their Legal
Services team, Sheffield Family Court has granted two Interim Female
Genital Mutilation (FGM) Protection Orders.

The Orders, which were granted by the court last month, safeguard two
girls from Rotherham from becoming victims of FGM.

Under the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003, it is illegal for FGM to
be performed in the UK. It is also an offence for a UK national or UK
resident to carry out FGM even outside the UK, or help and enable
someone else to carry out FGM. This applies even when the victim is
taken to a country where this practise is legal.

If convicted, the perpetrator can face up to 14 years in prison.

The Interim FGM Protection Orders give specific stipulations to those
subject to the Order about their behaviour and conduct, all intended to
protect the girls from harm. Failure to comply with the court order is a
criminal offence and can result in a maximum penalty of five years in

Force lead for Honour Based Abuse, Forced Marriage and FGM, Detective
Inspector Suzanne Jackson said: “FGM protection orders are a powerful
and preventative means of protecting females from FGM.

“It is a serious and violent crime, which we want to prevent happening,
to safeguard victims from a lifetime of physical and psychological

“Harmful cultural practices are sadly still continuing in countries
where this is seen as normal.

“Parents are often faced with family and community pressure and
isolation if they don’t comply with FGM and mothers themselves have been
victims as children. Our aim is to intervene and ensure that this cycle
of abuse does not continue.

“Partner agencies will report to us where they identify a potential risk
of harm and it is important that they continue to do this. That way, we
can work together to ensure children are safeguarded, parents are
educated and sanctions are in place should the orders be disregarded.”

The practise of FGM involves any procedure that removes part or all of
the external female genitalia, or any procedure that involves injury to
the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.

While it is thought that the practise predominantly takes place outside
the UK, police believe it remains an under-reported crime.

Anyone wishing to report any concerns about FGM in South Yorkshire
should contact 101. For further information, advice and support, call
the NSPCC FGM Helpline on 0800 028 3550 or email
Alternatively, contact Childline on 0800 1111 or visit, or visit the Daughters of Eve website:

You can also contact Karma Nirvana, a national charity that specialises
in help and support for victims of honour based abuse and forced
marriage, on 0800 5999 247 or Ashiana can also be contacted on 0114 255


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