wathupondearne Latest news in Yorkshire: October 16, 2018 01:32:50 PM



An influential group of trade lobbyists have released a bombshell
blueprint for a future UK-US trade deal – and it’s shocking.

They want to allow American healthcare companies to make money off
patients when we’re sick, vulnerable and in need of care.

This is a stark warning, and it’s clear – the only thing coming between
an NHS that’s there for all of us, and opening the door to American
companies competing with our NHS, is for people to stand up for our NHS.

Our NHS was founded on the idea of fairness. That we all deserve safe
healthcare, no matter who we are, where we’re from or how much money we
make. It means that every single one of us knows that whether our child
is sick with fever, a relative needs a hip operation, or we need to see
a doctor – we can get the care we need. And we don’t need to worry about
whether we can afford it.

But the lobbyists’ blueprint could mean the introduction of
American-style healthcare to the UK: paying thousands for surgery,
hiked-up prescription prices, even being charged for an ambulance

It could pave the way for changes to what we know and love about our NHS


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